Thursday, May 20


I was feeling a tad blue earlier today but overall, I was still kinda happy I guess!! I took my height and weight today and i went from borderline underweight to healthy weight!! I'm 44kg now ^^ And guess what?? I passed my higher mother tongue for the first time since Secondary 1!! I got 45/90 and i was really shocked when i received my exam script! Went to return my race championchip today at Redhill alone. I managed to find the venue though it took quite awhile to reach my destination ;) Teeehee YLC is tomorrow I'm so excited. Might bring my DSLR there so I can update with photos when I come back on Sunday! Oh and I'm famished, I went on 26 hours without food. I could eat a horse!! I doubt a horse can satisfy my rapacious appetite.. Teehee..

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